representative sampling

英 [ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv ˈsɑːmplɪŋ] 美 [ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv ˈsæmplɪŋ]

网络  代表取样法; 代表性抽样; 有代表性抽样; 代表性采样


  1. The premise behind ADC is to automatically create a representative compression dictionary based on sampling a small subset of table data.
  2. Representative of the discontinuity sampling frequency of SO2 is analysed.
  3. Then do some open-ended interviews and unstructured live observations with a representative sampling of your customers.
  4. The reasons of the low representative level and short representative range of the sample under the present sampling testing system for hot rolling stripe are discussed.
  5. The following table shows a representative sampling of the tabs and the commands available on each tab.
  6. The unascertained mathematics was introduced to analyze the representative values of compressive strength of concrete core from cast in-suit pile at the condition of small sampling data.
  7. The windshield of a moving vehicle is subjected to numerous insect strikes and can be used as a collection device for representative sampling.
  8. The representative of China responded that products certified by bodies recognized by China would require no additional conformity assessment procedures in China, except for random sampling of said products.
  9. Firstly, the preparation of the sample is critical, and it includes representative sampling, selection of dispersants, surfactants and admixtures, and use of the ultrasonic.
  10. Measuring the water cut of the crude oil with automatic on-line sampler rather than by the conventional method of representative sampling can increase measurement accuracy, and eliminate the inadequate representativeness existing in manual sampling for turn-over measurement.
  11. The Long 'an area was chose as representative of the southwest of Guangxi. Survey route and sampling spots and soil profiles were determined according to strata, landform and type of soils.
  12. Some matters about representative sampling and sampling techniques were also discussed.
  13. Through a series of verification, it has been proved that the representative samples can be obtained from manual sampling.
  14. The measurements of indoor radon concentration in representative dwellings in Shenyang City were made by CSR detectors, and the results were compared with those obtained by the grab sampling technique.
  15. The study selected Urumqi City 4 representative path for monitoring points, for the TSP consecutive year low of the sampling and TSP and the lead for analysis.
  16. If the monitoring station has good representative, it will hare to follow the principle of the random sampling.
  17. By sampling and examining, the relationship between aerosol and parameter of weather condition was found at the representative sampling address.
  18. Firstly, representative testing samples are gathered by stratified random sampling method.
  19. The representative of sampling is improved by using the method based on uniform probability sampling, which is used to calculate the size and form of tracking gate.
  20. Methods: Guangzhou city, Shenzhen city and Dongguan City were chosen as the representative sampling sites which were influenced by the haze weather in the Pearl River Delta.
  21. Building the foundation of the analysis on a representative model of social networks with such multiple structural properties, we study the effects of different sampling methods on multiple properties.
  22. This thesis studied four representative Bayer image restructuring methods ( separation, direct merge, weighted sampling and filtering methods).
  23. At each visit, examination of carcasses had been performed to assess the stage of decomposition. Representative samples ( dead and still alive) of different life stages have been collected. Environmental variables such as ambient temperature and relative humidity were recorded during each sampling. 3.



  1. the population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and random samples are taken of each stratum

      Synonym:    stratified samplingproportional sampling